Expedite software development and delivery without sacrificing security

Continuous Authorization To Operate (cATO) plays that help federal change agents navigate
RMF-based implementation to reduce risks

Safer government cybersecurity solutions

Increased transparency for security control assessors

Rapid government software deployment

Reduced cost of delivery

As a government agency, time is not on your side — you can’t afford to have software slow you down. Download the playbook to discover how continuous authorization to operate within the Risk Management Framework (RMF) enhances stability and security with speed.

Get your playbook

Your ally in early and agile continuous software delivery.

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Safer government cybersecurity solutions

Increased transparency for security control assessors

Rapid government software deployment

Reduced cost of delivery

As a government agency, time is not on your side — you can’t afford to have software slow you down. Download the playbook to discover how continuous authorization to operate within the Risk Management Framework (RMF) enhances stability and security with speed.

About the playbook

Relieve your team from the pressures of slow delivery

Both the warfighting and policy domains have gone digital. Find out how the NIST RMF-guided plays ensure continuous delivery of safe and impactful software on and off the battlefield.

Learn the facts, debunk the myths.

Unpack cATO history and learn how we plan on rewriting it, emphasizing original RMF-based implementation and systems authorization.

Your journey, 
our approach.

Lack of context can lead to incomplete missions. Explore our recommended approaches and learn how to pinpoint your government agency’s starting point — successfully navigating internal risks.

Your field, our plays.

From team acquisitions and implementing the best technical practices from DORA, to real documentation, learn what it takes to establish and continuously improve cATO.

Trusted by Govtech agencies

Counter digital disruption with cATO

The world around you is moving faster than ever. Learn the plays to develop and deliver software at the pace of changing technology and emerging threats.

Rise above bureaucracy, limited budgets & slow procurement

Want your digital systems to move at the speed your users or customers demand?